Sunday, March 26, 2023

That's Debatable, by Jen Doll

Millie is an excellent debater and, on the Lincoln-Douglas debate circuit, she's practically unbeatable.  Despite having to wrestle with constant sexual harassment from other students, their coaches, and even the judges, she repeatedly wins her debates,  She has won the Alabama state championships for three years in a row.  Now in her senior year, she stands to set a record by winning all four years.  This coincidentally also carries with it a scholarship that could help pay for college, which she will otherwise have a hard time affording.

Tag doesn't have to worry about paying for college.  His family is wealthy enough that scholarships are not a major consideration.  But doing well in debate is the sort of extracurricular asterixis he needs to impress admissions committees.  It's certainly what is driving the other students on his school team to do well.  The problem is that he doesn't care.  He isn't even sure he wants to go to college.  And the debates have become just as meaningless to him.  In debates you have to argue the side that you are given, but Tag is done with that.  He wants to argue the position that he believes in, the position that is right.  Even if it means his team loses.

When a crisis and some quick thinking throws Millie and Tag together into an unusual situation, two opposites find that they share a love for the same things.  And while debate will always be important to them, they find that maybe the feelings they have for each other are just as important.

A lovely romance with a lot to say about taking a stand for what you believe in and a really great introduction to the arcane world of Lincoln-Douglas Debates -- a subject that I knew absolutely nothing about before I read this book.  I enjoyed that education, I was caught up in the (occasionally over-the-top) drama, and I loved the message.

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