In this sequel to Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer, Sophie continues her explorations of raising chickens. Now the proud owner of Agnes's old farm, Sophie is challenged with the process of fixing the place up and reestablishing the farm's poultry business, starting with hatching some new chickens. And while the chickens may have extraordinary powers, the business of hatching and raising is pretty much the same as with normal chickens. Learning all of that and soliciting the help and input of her community teaches Sophie a lot about humans and chickens alike.
As with the first book, a small dose of fantasy (teleporting and fire-breathing chickens) aside, this is a story about a girl working hard to achieve her goals. Packed full of useful and interesting instructions about chicken care, this delightful story will entice readers to learn more about chickens. Gently delivered messages about tolerance and forgiveness add substance. Copious illustrations throughout provide the icing on the cake. Fun, educational, affirming, and pretty to flip through -- what more could you ask of a middle reader?
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