Friday, October 05, 2018

Secret Sisters of the Salty Sea, by Lynne Rae Perkins

Alix and her sister Jools get to take their first vacation to the sea.  There, they make a new friend and have a variety of adventures including floating on the ocean, making (and remaking) the perfect sandcastle, getting buried in sand and escaping, and taking a trip to a raptor sanctuary.  Whimsical illustrations throughout capture the playful mood of this recollection of a memorable vacation.

An extraordinarily gentle book, there is very little action and no drama in this story.  Nothing threatening happens to the girls, but the vacation is still eventful.  That makes the book more about capturing a mood of discovery than any particular lesson.  I enjoyed it as a welcome respite from the stories where so many things weigh down on children.  In this world, adults take care of anything serious and the girls just have fun.  Perhaps we could all use such a break from life?

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