Monday, November 19, 2007

River Secrets, by Shannon Hale

In this third installment of the Books of Bayern, the war is over but emotions still run hot - especially in Tira. An embassy from Bayern must figure out a way to promote peace amidst warmongering fanatics and a mysterious case of burned bodies that keep showing up near fire-burner Enna (now allegedly sworn to peace). But front and center to this story lies loyal small Razo, who gets to play a prominent role at last after being only a side character in the first two novels.

While this book does not stand out in any specific way, it is a good read. Hale continues her tradition of providing above-average fantasy. The stories have some action, a lot of romance, but a strong underlying humanism, making them a pleasure to read. Entertaining and enjoyable (but read Goose Girl and Enna Burning before you get to this novel).

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