Monday, July 16, 2007

Lost in the Labyrinth, by Patrice Kindl

In this retelling (and combination) of several Greek myths, we get the story of the ancient Manoans, the Minotaur and the "hero" Theseus, Daedalus and Icarus, and an obscure princess Xenodice -- who unites all the threads together through her love for her half-brother (the Minotaur) and the young clever Icarus.

The myths are well-enough known, so no real surprises on the story, but much like the way that the novel Orphelia expands on a well-known story, Kindl riffs on Greek mythology in new ways, breathing life into the story and creating an engaging story about the brave princess Xenodice. It's a fun read, albeit neither suspenseful nor nourishing to the mind -- a good summer read (especially if you like Greek myths).

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