Monday, October 23, 2006

Amazing Grace, by Megan Shull

As the story opens, Grace Kincaid has reached utter burnout. She is a rich and successful tennis pro and at the top of her game, but she has had enough. No worries though as her mother has an escape plan all figured out and Grace is off to the Alaskan wilderness with a new look, new name, and a chance to have a new life -- one where she can be all the things she never got to be when she was rich and famous.

Where Meg Cabot's novels end, Megan Shull picks up. You won't find more than a few minor road blocks between Grace and her happiness, but dramatic tension isn't really the reason for this novel. Instead, this is a fun romance where people are generally nice and things work out pretty well, beyond a few tears and cheers. Good escapism and a quick breezy read. Fun!

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