Monday, June 19, 2006

The Au Pairs, by Melissa de la Cruz

It's Summer in the Hamptons and Mara, Eliza, and Jacqui have been hired to look after the children of an excessively wealthy couple. But they don't spent much time looking after the kids (except maybe the sweet and humble Mara). Instead, it's party after party is hedonistic excess as the rich and famous party every night and shop all day. Oh, and somewhere along the way the girls will each learn a lesson that will help them grow up a little...but not so much that they can't be a bunch of fun-loving girls!

OK, I think when the book carries a blurb from Seventeen on its cover and a picture of three nubile young bods that would make a die hard forget that ol' Britney video, you basically know what you are going to get and deserve all of it. This is pretty light on the substance. It's also a bit repulsive the way it glorifies materialism as much as it does. In sum, it's the type of book that librarians love to hate but which goes out the door faster than anything they'll offer. It will annoy the heck out of your parents. But in the end, it's not terribly good for you either. Whatever!

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