Monday, July 04, 2005

Cut, by Patricia McCormick

Callie gets sent to Sea Pines (or "Sick Minds" as she calls it) for cutting, and spends the next month learning first to speak again, and then speak about how she ended up in treatment, and why she cuts in the first place.

The book actually ends up being more about in-patient psychiatry than cutting, which was something of a disappointment, but it is overall a good look at mental illness, and finding strength to overcome it. In many ways, it reminded me of a book I read when I was in 6th grade called I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, about a much-more disturbed young woman. This is nowhere near as harrowing a story, but it shares a familiar path into insanity and back again.

A classic.


Conejito Perverso said...

I found about this book, this week and wow, I think it`s a good book an helping, I bougth it because I feel so near to the girl in the book more in the way of the non talk, b`cause i do it a lot often, and in my early years, tookme a lot of eford not ending like shee... hoppfully this book had more publicity, is it in spanish.. (yeah, thats why mi writening suck) cause, I bougth it in english but I cant find it in spanish?? well i talked to much already, nice blogg

Paul said...

It doesn't look like it has ever been published in Spanish. But it certainly is an excellent book. :)