A rollicking adventure of strange creatures, battles, and subterfuge. Filled out with delightful illustrations, this fast-paced story is an easy read. I found it terribly violent and a bit thin on character, but it won plenty of awards (including a Newbery Honor last year).
Monday, March 25, 2024
Elf Dog & Owl Head, by M. T. Anderson (ill Junyi Wu)
Sunday, March 24, 2024
With A Little Luck, by Marissa Meyer
Defying the odds, he finds a rare signed record that everyone's overlooked, he wins a radio contest for two tickets to see a British hearthrob in concert, he finds missing homework, and he's rolling d20s perpetually. With the tickets, he gets the courage to ask Maya out on a date and she surprisingly accepts. And then she surprises him further revealing that she loves fantasy roleplaying as well and becomes an essential part of his D&D parties! It would seem that there is no limit to the things that Jude can do with his magic die until, that is, his luck changes.
Maya turns out to be a lovely person but not the love of his life. His true love is actually with someone else. His grade start slipping again. Every good deed he tries to perform backfires on him. It would seem that the die has now cursed him and he can only roll d1s. But for everything that goes wrong, some new opportunity arrives. Jude begins to discern that it isn't a simple matter of good and bad luck.
For a novel based (as its predecessor Instant Karma was) around Beatles references, the lesson of this story actually comes to us from the Stones -- "you can't always get what you want...you get what you need." As Jude's luck seems to reverse, he comes to understand that luck itself is overrated. And the best things in life are not determined by fate, but by courage and taking chances.
Continuing the unobtrusive magical nature that Meyer played with in Instant Karma, there are plenty of similarities but is is an imminently more satisfying story. Prudence and Quint from that book play minor roles here to give us some foundation, but Jude's struggles to gain self-confidence and his acts of bravery are much more relatable that Pru's acts of karmic vengeance. And while a string of hillariously improbable coincidences at the end of the story might have derailed the whole thing, they in fact are quite in keeping with the spirit of this fun and enjoyable read.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Cupid's Revenge, by Wibke Brueggemann
Katherine doesn't seem very impressed with Teddy but Katherine and Tilly have instant chemsitry and that makes things awkward. Tilly knows better than to date Katherine, but the heart wants what the heart wants. And, anyway, you know how this trope works so I don't really need to lay out the rest of the story. Furthermore, the setting -- rehearsing a play -- is tiredly familiar. No surprises!
What's a little more off script is the rest of the story: Tilly's oddball family of professional musicians and dancers (so, so unlike Tilly) are colorful and humorour. The drama of taking care of Tilly's recently-diagnosed-with-dementia grandfather, who's come to live with them and proves to be alternatingly a huge handful and a great help, provides pathos.
Full of humor, some lovely romance, frank depictions of sex, and a fantastic cast of characters, Cupid's Revenge (the novel) is a stand out for both refreshing a tired plot and being a surprisingly good read. I have a poor record with British YA (or NA, in this case) as it tends to be preachy and condescending, but this book surprised me. It's not just a heroine with a good head on her shoulders but a full cast of characters who act like normal people and behave sensibly. The story and its humor comes through so much bettter without lots of false drama and contrived circumstances.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Drawing Deena, by Hena Khan
Deena is also capable of solving her own problems. With some help from her friends, they help set up a social media site for her mother's business. They develop policies and plans for her mother's commercial success. Along the way, Deena learns to stand up for herself and her family.
Full of lots of ethnic details (mostly about clothing and food), Khan's book is really about portraying a typical American malaise: children stressing themselves sick. What it doesn't do is spend much time on the treatment. Rather, Deena just sort of recovers at the end, gaining assertiveness and confidence. So, even though there's plenty said about Deena's condition and its prognosis, there's hardly anything on strategies for stress relief. That makes her recovery something of an article of faith rather than a shared journey and sucks much of the pay-off out of the story.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Ruptured, by Joanne Rossmassler Fritz
Claire wavers over whether she should tell anyone what her mother said. Perhaps she no longer believes it. But what will happen when Mom does remember what she was feeling? Claire's previously distant Dad has been devotedly doting on his wife. Perhaps, his actions can make up for whatever triggered her mother's doubts about the marriage in the first place?
This quick read is all the more speedy for being written in verse. It's not a particularly compelling use of the method and mostly just allows the action to race ahead without much attention to character development. Outside of Claire herself, there isn't much room to expand on much of anyone. There's some sketchy drama with a friend and some set backs in Mom's recovery, but these are glossed over. I found it pretty thin.
Saturday, March 09, 2024
Hope In the Valley, by Mitali Perkins
Her attempt fails as she is literally unable to speak up in defense of the house's preservation. Pandita must accept that she has to let it go, but does that mean that she must accept every else that is going wrong in her life? Does she have to watch her father start dating again? Or tolerate the way that her sisters never respect her wishes? Or the fact that her BFF has abandoned her to hang out with a classist popular girl?
Pandita's world seems to be spinning out of control and it would be easy for her to get sucked in by all of the drama, but the something unexpected happens. She gets asked by the local historical society to help review the contents of boxes of abandoned documents from the old house to search for items of historical importance. As she does so, she unearths the forgotten history of the "Valley of Heart's Delight" (as Silicon Valley was once known) -- a history full of discrimination and prejudice and people who fought it. Through these rveleations, she gains confidence in herself and develops a voice strong enough to speak out for what she believes in.
There's a lot going on. First, there is the tween-appropriate introduction to NIMBYism and the politics of housing and urban development. The is the story of Pandita's family rebuilding and moving on after a loss of her mother. And finally, there is Pandita's personal journey from quiet middleschooler to strong voiced and confident orator. Despite the many threads to the story, this is a surprisingly easy book to read. Charming.
Monday, March 04, 2024
Shut Up, This Is Serious, by Carolina Ixta
Her best friend Leti ought to have everything going for her. She's an honor student and doing well at school, but now she's also pregnant. Worse, the father is a black kid that Leti's racist parents would never accept in their house. She knows that eventually she'll have to tell her parents, but Leti procrastinates. In their seemingly impossible situations, the two girls struggle to find solutions.
Deftly sifting through a wide array of issues, including child abuse, teen pregnancy, abandonment, prostitution, racism, and poverty, Ixta packs a huge punch into her debut novel about coming of age in East Oakland. Belén herself drove me crazy with her endless series of bad decisions and her stubborn unwillingness to accept help, but I was still captivated enough to hang in there for her. She felt real and in fact really quite beyond my judgement. I won't ever really know what it is like to grow up in Mexican-American household, but this novel opened a portal that allowed me to see it with all the good and the bad. A rich and rewarding story.
Saturday, March 02, 2024
If I Promise You Wings, by A. K. Small
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Good Different, by Meg Eden Kuyatt
An inspirational story in verse about a neurodivergent girl in the process of self-discovery. The verse itself is not particularly extraordinary, but the choice to write this book in verse is brilliant as it captures the process of Selah's inner dialog much better than prose would have done.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Red, by Annie Cardi
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Cold Girls, by Maxine Rae
A complex emotional story that hints at much more than it says, Rory and Liv are anything but the cold girls that they projected to the outside world. In fact, it was the shared knowledge that there are these strong current underneath that bonded them together. It was also a relationship that was coming to an end as the girls were about to graduate and move on. Neither girl could ever hope to maintain the facades and there are moments when each of them crack, but by dying Liv avoided ever having to face those feelings as much as Rory ends up doing (on her own).
The story starts strong and quickly gets us deep into the hidden world that these two girls share, but I found the middle section a hard slog. With little clear sense of where we were going or why we were going there, the multiple characters and complex relationships between them become a chore to keep straight. The constant time shifts become trying as well as I had to keep reminding myself what was happening at a point of time we haven't rveeisted for the past fifty pages. It's only towards the end, that the story's pace picks up. An end point becomes visible and I tuned back in. I think the story would improve with a re-reading and if you enjoy a book that you can get more out of with a repeat then this might be for you.
Monday, February 19, 2024
Absolutely, Positively Natty, by Lisa Greenwald
Practically no one has any interest in the idea, but Natty is determined to make it happen and through persitance and stubboness she manhandles a band of skeptical kids and demoralized adults to come together. But is being relentlessly positive a good thing and can it really change anything? Natty is convinced it will all work out, as long as she can just keep a sunny outlook. For whether that is true or not, you'll have to read the book.
There is certain level of frustration with a story that never actually resolves, but my biggest issue with this book was the flimsyness of the premise. From nearly the first page, just about everyone is pointing out to Natty what a foolhardy exercise it is. Her unwillingness to accept any truth in that isn't all that interesting. That doesn't leave much to grow on and the conclusion is largely inevitable. And when the refusal to acknowledge that bad things are happening causes Natty to gaslight her friends, it doesn't make her look very kind. There's not much learned in the end and not really a lesson worth learning.
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Pieces of Me, by Kate McLaughlin
She is suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), a condition characterized by having vivid alternate personalities that manifest in a person and are usually formed as a coping mechanism for an early childhood trauma. The actual particulars of Dylan's trauma take a while to be uncovered and the real itself is anticlimactic. The story focuses instead on Dylan's growing understanding of her condition and her learning to cope with it. Unfortunately, this part of the book (roughly the middle) is also the weakest section.
I was really captivated by the story from the start and reminded of how much I enjoyed novels dealing with mental health. There's a compelling mystery with all sorts of interesting elements that are slowly revealed. Up to the diagnosis, this is a real page turner. But once we know what is happening, the pacing really slows down and becomes this big educational text where we're introduced to Dylan's "system" and her "alters" who "front" for her from time to time because of various conditions. Not much actually happens in these 150 or so pages beyond a bunch of repetitive and strikingly boring conversations. It's only when the culprit (a completely new character never mentioned prior to that point of the story) is revealed that the pace picks up again. But here McLaughlin is at a loss as to how to portray the moment of confrontation and the last sixty pages reads more like a lengthy postscript than a climax. There is no dramatic conclusion. In fact, there really is no conclusion at all.
A fascinating topic but the presentation sucks the life out of the story. It starts strong but then treads water, before dying at the end with a whimper.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Opportunity Knocks, by Sara Farizan
Enterprising Lila doesn't let this hold her back. She marches down to the bank and tries to apply for a loan for the band program. She gets turned down, but she comes across a strange box lying on the floor of the lobby. The box turns out to contain a magical being who calls herself Felise and brings good luck for a week to the bearer of the box. Lila doesn't know what to do with her good fortune but she manages to spin it into a number of small successes, raising money for the band program.
Then, just when things are really starting to look good, the owner of the box comes looking for it and wants it back!
A lovely, albeit heavy-handed, middle grade reader story about the magic of friendships and self-determination. The magic that Felise brings, in contrast, is downplayed and much of Lila's good fortune is attributed to Lisa herself, Lila exhibits an infectious combination of bravery, compassion, and good ideas that makes her a perfect friend. And while that point is sometimes thrust a bit too forcefully in the reader's face, the book is a pleasing combination of a fun story and positive messages. Having enjoyed her YA novels, it's nice to see her doing equally well with a younger demographic.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
The Stranded, by Sarah Daniels
Esther is a sixteen year-old studying to become a medic and, if she can pass her exam, win a coveted slot to study on the mainland. She and her boyfriend Alex are loyal citizens, but they find themselves dragged into the conflict as the land forces ratchet up their suppression and start implementing their genocide.
There is some elaborate world building but the book doesn't waste much time before diving into the thick of the action. Told in alternating chapters by three narrators -- Esther, her older sister's boyfriend Nik (who works for the rebellion), and Hadley (the leader of the government forces charged with controlling the boat) -- it maintains a breathless pace through over 400 pages. It's a fast read, but doesn't leave much time for sorting out the characters or for the reader to establish much attachment to them. Rather, the story screams out "film option!" and seems designed for a visceral and visually immersive adventure. It would probably make a great film, but as a dystopian novel it's fairly average.
Friday, February 09, 2024
Long Road to the Circus, by Betsy Bird (ill by David Small)
Sunday, February 04, 2024
Dog Star, by Megan Shepherd
Laika is a stray, a "cold dog" in her words. Very much unlike the "warm dogs" who have warm house to live in and food to eat. Instead, Laika must survive on scraps and her street smarts to get by. But a careless lapse leads to her capture and enrollment in a program to train canines to undergo the rigor of space travel. She excels at it despite her distrust of human and other dogs.
Nina is a proverbial "cold girl" whose very best friend has abandoned her by defecting along with her family to America. because of the family's betrayal, Nina is told that she must denounce her friend in order to protect her own family. She struggles with the idea and is horrified to find the things that are being said about her friend. Confused by the way her fellow students and teachers are betraying their ideals, she seeks solace in the presence of animals and bonds with Laika. The two grow close and, when Nina discovers that Laika won't be able to return from her trip, Nina becomes convinced that she must do something to save her best friend.
One can question the wisdom of writing a children's book about a girl and her slated-for-death best friend. The true story of Laika is one that sits uncomfortably in history and there will be many people who would simply never read this book on principle. Shepherd makes this much worse in two ways: by developing a strong emotional story between the girl and the dog and by telling half the story through Laika's voice. The chapters told from Laika's trusting point of view -- including her final moments on the rocket -- take a rather strong stomach (or severe detachment) to read. Shepherd makes the argument in her afterward that the story, while tragic, needs to be told because of Laika'a major contribution to science and the nobility of her sacrifice, but one might counter that argument by pointing out that Laika never actually chose to make the sacrifice so what we are basically witnessing is a living creature being murdered.
Setting those ethical questions aside, the story felt uneven. The story of Laika and Nina opening up to each other was lovely, but the political elements of the story are half-heartedly developed. The bullying at school is poorly explained. An over the top attempt at last minute sabotage rings untrue and largely undermines the emotional seriousness of the story. One almost wishes that these diversions had been skipped altogether.
Saturday, February 03, 2024
Bliss Adair and the First Rule of Knitting, by Jean Mills
So, she plays thing safe. She has a crush on Taz Fenwick's "perfect proportions" that seems unlikely to ever be consummated, which is just as well since she's still a bit afraid of boys. She has a small group of friends. She helps her parents out at the family's yarn shop, helping people fix their knitting mistakes. Her two loves -- math and knitting -- provide comforting boundaries.
Two things shake up that comfortable world. First, the arrival of the pregnant girl (the granddaughter of a customer) challenges Bliss to accept that some problems are out of her league. But it is accidentally eavesdropping of a conversation between a classmate's mother and her lover that presents a quandary for Bliss. Should she tell her friend about the infidelity or is it kinder to mind her own business? And do the rules change when the friend becomes a romantic interest?
Interspersed with lots of knitting references, this novel gently explores Bliss's growing awareness of life's imperfections. At times perhaps unrealistically mature, Bliss still has enough room for growth to teach the us a few things. The positive supportive atmosphere of the story and the realistically unresolved ending leaves the reader a satisfactory conclusion.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Check & Mate, by Ali Hazelwood
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Briar Girls, by Rebecca Kim Wells
Miranda promises that she can help Lena break the curse in exchange for Lena's help in helping bring down an evil tyrant who holds sway over the city of Gather deep within the Silence -- a feat which requires killing or setting free a sleeping princess protected within a castle surrounded by impenetrable briars. But it quickly becomes apparent that Miranda is not telling the truth and, as various adventures unfold, she's far from unique. Just about everyone in this story has hidden agendas and is hiding something. Lena has to figure out who to trust and often must take temporary advantage from unreliable allies.
Featuring dragons, wolves, blood magic, curses, prophecy, and the rather enigmatic Silence itself, Briar Girls is a densely written, fast-paced fantasy adventure. It sacrifices a great deal of character development in the process. For while we get a chance in the beginning to meet Lena and to develop her rebellious and largely disobedient personality, most of the other characters are underdeveloped. A sexual encounter between Lena and a boy named Alaric is sweet but strangely clinical. A professed love with Miranda goes largely unconsummated, but does feature some brief moments of jealousy that suggest at feelings that are never quite allowed to develop. As far as side characters, most of all I enjoyed the dragons, who were delightfully sadistic (as well as being snobby epicureans). A story like this lives and dies on the action and the world building, both of which are stellar so any flaws in the characters can be overlooked safely.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
All That's Left in the World, by Erik J. Brown
But before any sort of romance can develop, the two boys are forced to flee when more hostile invaders arrive on the scene. The two of them set out roughly following Andrew's original plan, heading south to the remains of Washington DC. And when things don't work out, they then go down to Florida, encountering both friend and foe. Along the way, they find vivid examples of how different choices have fared for the varied survivors.
While the writing is decent and the characters well-developed, the author really struggled to come up with a story. The bulk of the novel is just a series of encounters with strangers stringed together. Some go well and some go poorly, but they don't add up to a story and do get very repetitive. The overall goal of the trip, which might have formed a true plot, keeps shifting. It feels like Brown just fell in love with the idea of a post-apocalyptic survival story between two (maybe) gay boys. However, even the romance is not really consummated and notably lacking in any heat.
In the author's notes at the end, Brown attests that the story's similarities to recent events is largely coincidental. It was originally drafted in 2015 (and thus predates COVID) but it's hard not to draw parallels.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Love & Resistance, by Kara H. L. Chen
None of this plays out realistically, but it's a whole lot of fun and all in service to a good cause: addressing bullying and racism. At first, Olivia and her friends are all focused on getting revenge and striking back, but as those strategies largely fail, they make the important realization that the best way to confront power is to render it irrelevant. A society based on fear and conformity can't survive when its values are ignored. Chen never draws the analogy out to anything greater than Olivia's school, but the novel's epilogue all but connects the dots to a challenge to our larger society.
The character building seemed weak to me and the love stories lacked much fizz, but I enjoyed the story --in the beginning because it was fun and then in the end because it had a lot of useful advice for young people who find themselves too wrapped up in social media and trying to please everyone around them.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Fault Lines, by Nora Shalaway Carpenter
Dex and his mother have recently moved to the area so Mom can work on the pipelines. Drowning in medical bills, this is the first real job that she's had in years. So while Dex isn't entirely unfamiliar with the environmental damage that fracking causes, his family has different priorities. In any case, what happens here is of little concern to him. He's signing up for the Army. His mother doesn't approve, but he knows that serving will get him out of his mom's hair, give him an income, and send him to college.
The two of them, in sum, should have no reason to connect. Viv hates what Dex's mom does for a living. Dex, with his eyes set on the Army, has already checked out. But as two outsiders, they become attracted to each other and eventually form an alliance to stand up for themselves and their beliefs.
Despite the attention paid to the environmental devastation being caused in West Virginia (and the author's loving depictions of the natural beauty of Appalachia), this is not solely a screed for environmentalism. Rather, it is a tale of two young people emerging from their shells. Viv and Dex both come from families dealing with loss (Viv's mother is dead and Dex's father is a struggling alcoholic whom was kicked out of the house). As a result, their single-parent households fail to provide much of a role model for moving forward. That they each do so is ultimately quite satisfying.
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Every Bird a Prince, by Jenn Reese
Seeming unrelated, things start to change for her when she rescues a bird in the woods. He's a prince and he wants to reward her for her bravery and kindness by making Eren his champion. What does a bird's champion do? They fight "frost fangs" -- wolf-like creatures that feed on people's insecurities.
It turns out that these frost fangs have been waging a war and the birds have been the sole defense, but their strength is diminishing. If no one does anything, the frost fangs will take over and humanity will be lost to its insecurities. This being a middle reader, everything will fall on Erne, Alex, and a few of their friends to save the world (or at least their school). The showdown takes place at the school dance, where Eren must first overcome her own fears and anxieties and then convince her peers to do likewise.
I found it a clever fantasy novel with some heavy-handed messages about building up self-confidence and learning to turn off voices of doubt in your head. There's some messy stuff about whether Erne is "aromantic" or simply not ready for romantic relationships -- given her age, in my opinion, the difference is unimportant and distracting. The far stronger message is that everyone has doubts about themselves, but it is important to not let them paralyze you from living your life and standing up for what you believe in. It's not a new message, but the packaging here is quite clever and the story is memorable.
Sunday, January 07, 2024
Hot Dutch Daydream, by Kristy Boyce
Sage has landed herself an ultra prestigious internship with Dr. Reese, a leading oncologist, at her research laboratory in Amsterdam. She'll have to take care of the doctor's three-year-old son during the day and do a lot of drudge work, but in exchange, she'll get to attend a conference in Berlin and make a lot of connections. There's just one catch: she must stay away from Dr. Reese's gorgeous eighteen year-old son, Ryland. You already know how this is going to turn out....
Ryland and Sage spend the summer going from hatred to reluctant coworkers to secret lovers (although the relationship doesn't move much further along than furtive kissing). Along the way, they visit all of the sites, including two of my favorites: the Zoo and the Kattenkabinet (Amsterdam's museum of feline art). There's tastings of all the local culinary favorites and even a (slightly ridiculous) drop in at a coffee shop.
On the whole, there was nothing particularly objectionable about the book, but it felt like a pale imitation of its predecessor. Sage is not nearly as interesting as Emmie from that book, lacking the compelling backstory which made rooting for Emmie more rewarding. Sage, in contrast, is a grind with a serious work-life imbalance. If you haven't read Hot British Boyfriend, start there and then pick this one up afterwards and see if you agree that we might have been better off with a one-and-done.
Wednesday, January 03, 2024
A Far Wilder Magic, by Allison Saft
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Larkin on the Shore, by Jean Mills
While well-written, the pacing is slow and the themes could easily have been further developed. We're never exactly clear what happened to Larkin back at her school, Meanwhile, the mother and her story doesn't really move beyond a brief recollection (and an even briefer dialog). Mills does a fine job in showing us how sad and depressed Larkin is and in capturing her panic attacks. However, lacking the context deprives us of much of the punch or the necessary reader empathy to make it be something dramatic.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
100 Days of Sunlight, by Abbie Emmons
Weston is a double amputee -- the result of an untreated infection from an accident three years prior. Through flashbacks, he describes the process he went through to come back, working through not only his disability but also his anger at his fate -- knowledge that he applies to Tessa's situation. However, he has an advantage: she doesn't know he's an amputee.
Over the next hundred days, through patience and stubborn persistence, Weston works through Tessa's barriers and gradually helps her deal with her blindness. However, he knows that one day soon she'll get her sight back and then she'll see him as he truly is. And he fears what she will do.
A terribly sweet and utterly gratuitous romance. Weston is pretty much the Perfect Boy -- kind, considerate, generous, with just a small amount of naughtiness (he gets into fist fights). He adores Tessa. And of course, he has nothing better to do than dote on her for three months. Needless to say, we know that his silly fears about her hating him when she sees his disability are nothing big, so we're flipping the pages waiting for that swoon-worthy happily-ever-after kiss. And this is the kind of story that delivers just what the readers want. In sum, pure unadulterated literary junk food. Grab a pint of Ben & Jerry's or a package of Oreos and dig in!
Monday, December 25, 2023
The Land of Neverendings, by Kate Saunders
Amidst that longing for a lost toy and perhaps inspired by being cast in the lead for a school production of Alice, Emily stumbles across a portal to the world of Smockeroon, the land of the toys. There she is presented with the entrancing idea that she could reconnect with Bluey (and perhaps even her own sister). However, behind this opening between the "hardworld" and Smockeroon lies a sinister force -- a giant toad who wants to import all of the sadness of Emily's world into the world of toys, in an attempt to destroy the joy and happiness of that latter place.
In a very British way, this riff on CS Lewis and Lewis Carroll (with a unacknowledged debt to Pixar) explores the grieving of a child told through our relationship with toys and play. The story is a bit chaotic and difficult to follow and the deeper themes will definitely fly over the heads of young readers. Still, it's a clever book and it's nice to read something so sweet and innocent. Entirely suitable for all ages.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
If He Had Been With Me, by Laura Nowlin
Autumn and Finn grew up together as best friends and next door neighbors. Their mothers always assumed that they would end up together as a couple. But by the time high school begins, they aren't really talking to each other anymore. Autumn has Jamie and Finn has found Sylvie. They both couldn't be happier in their respective relationships. But somehow all that shared history bring Autumn and Finn back to each in their times of need.
Mapped out over four years of high school, Nowlin's lushly written novel captures the trials and drama of Autumn and Finn's development and their largely inevitable coming together. While beautifully written, covering such a long expanse of time leads to a lot of jumping around and senior year is largely a blur in this retelling. Throughout, I struggled to understand where the story was really going. Yes, there are plenty of indications along the way that Finn and Autumn really ought to be together, but the book is full of so much more than that (subplots ranging from a pregnancy to a divorce to drugs to sexual abuse) that I wondered what the point of the book really was. It's all very pretty and well-told, but does one need to cram every single good idea into the same book?
All that is a minor complaint compared to my thoughts on the book's shocking ending. I won't spoil the story for others, but I feel very strongly that Nowlin basically ruined the story for me in the last ten pages with an unnecessary, pointless, and completely out-of-the-blue plot twist that lacks any foundation. I'd suggest stopping on page 381 because I'm now left seriously wondering why I read those first 380 pages.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Solimar: The Sword of the Monarchs, by Pam Munoz Ryan
The gift comes at an awkward moment, when the king is absent and an attack from a neighboring kingdom threatens her home. While she is only a child, as soon as the attacking king learns of her new powers, he wants to harness them for himself and he tries to detain her. To prevent that from happening, Solimar flees the castle and tries to find her father so she can warn him. She hopes that he'll find allies, beat back the attackers, and also save the butterflies. An epic voyage through uncharted waterways awaits!
Like all of Ryan's other novels, this one has a distinctly Hispanic flavor and the setting is vaguely Mexican. That is manifested mostly through terms, titles, and foods, but also the context (the attack occurs while Solimar is planning her quince). I always enjoy this stylistic twist in her books although in this case it would have been nice to have a glossary at the back to help with less familiar terms.
More problematically, I didn't enjoy the story very much. Unlike many of her novels, the stress here is on action. Character development gets a very short shrift. Solimar is supposed to go through a great transformation in her ordeal, but I didn't understand what it really was and I actually didn't care much either. As for the action, it isn't well told, often requiring reading and re-reading passages to understand what is happening. There's a lot going on and never a dull moment but it is hard to follow. Definitely not in the same class as Ryan's Esperanza Rising or Becoming Naomi Leon.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Breda's Island, by Jessie Ann Foley
As an overall story, there's nothing new here. The rebellious teen and the crotchety old man straightening each other out is the worst form of trope -- a fantasy worth of a Hallmark show. And the rural Irish setting is full of plenty of stereotypical blarney. But the book is full of surprises.
Breda has never had a father in the picture and returning to her mother's home gives her a chance to track him down. Doing so dredges up a lot of buried grudges and anger. It also causes her to stumble over the fact that her grandfather was also born out of wedlock. And in his days, such children were abandoned to orphanages where they were subject to severe abuse. His trauma is largely suppressed but played no small part is how he treated Breda's Mom (and thus Breda). Coming to terms with Breda's feelings about the lack of a father means also dealing with her grandfather's legacy. The result is a surprisingly complex story with pretty intense themes about family and abandonment, all of which might be a bit intense for middle readers but make for a surprisingly satisfying mature novel.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
The Hunger Between Us, by Marina Scott
In is the summer of 1942, the siege has been in place for a year. In that time, the weak have largely died off. The survivors are the resourceful. Liza is a survivor. Through petty theft and deceit, she has managed to scour up enough food to keep living. As the story begins, Liza is secretly burying her dead mother in order to prevent officials from discovering the death and taking away her Mom's ration card. Liza's best friend Aka comes across her after the disposal of the body and tells Liza that she herself is going to go to the "Mansion" (the headquarters of the NKVD -- the secret police) to earn some food. There's plenty of food for the officials and they are willing to share what they have with pretty young girls for a price. Liza begs Aka not to go, but what alternatives are left?
When Aka fails to return later, Liza goes out of her mind with fear for what has happened and starts to search for the girl. It's dangerous to poke at the lair of the NKVD and Liza's desperate search takes her in dangerous places where a combination of strong wits, sheer luck, and a bitter detremination to survive carry her through. Along the way, she renews acquaintances with two boys she knew from school who have taken drastically different paths: Luka (who hides underground and has abandoned his pride and humanity) and Maksim (who serves in the local constabulary and tries to enforce the law in the face of anarchy). Both boys try to help Liza, but in the end she has to take her own path to confront horrible secrets about the depths to which people will sink.
As grim and troubling as its subject matter, The Hunger Between Us explores what lines can and cannot be crossed and what survival really means. It's a brutal story populated with starvation and desperation. Scenes of physical and sexual violence, numerous references to (off-page) rape, murder, and cannibalism feature prominently. All of this, however, is just a setting for the very difficult decisions that Liza makes throughout the book. And she's definitely no saint. Her primary virtue is her ability to survive and by the end of the story she has plenty of faults to atone for. But observing her story in its context forces the reader to consider what they would do in the same place and that proves devastating. A powerful and memorable book and an unusual one of the genre.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Friends Like These, by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
At the party, Jake and Jessica get separated and, before Jessica can realize what is happening, someone is livestreaming hidden camera footage of Jake and Tegan kissing! Worse, they have started to take off their clothes! Utterly humiliated by her boyfriend's very public betrayal, Jessica flees the party vowing to have nothing further to do with Jake or Tegan. But the next morning, Jake turns up covered in blood with no memory of his infidelity or of anything else that happened. And Tegan has gone missing.
A rather steamy whodunnit that annoyed me the deeper I got into it. The characters spend a lot of time obfuscating the investigation, which drags everything out and more often than not puts them in a worse position. There are odd priorities as well, with characters more concerned about statutory rape than homicide. And finally a large part of the solution to the mystery relies upon information only introduced in the final forty pages of the book, which is frustrating for anyone trying to figure things out along the way.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
The Rat Queen, by Pete Hautman
When Annie turns ten, her father gives her a peculiar instruction. Henceforth, whenever she does something she regrets, she must write it down on a slip of paper and stuff the paper into a hole in the floor. By doing so, she will be assuaged of all guilt and regret. She does so and is surprised to find that it works. But there also seem to be curious side effects: the neighborhood becomes infested with rats and Annie seems to have stopped growing. After her father makes several mysterious trips back to Litvania, he announces that they must go back together and it is there that the Litvanian queen reveals all.
A dark and fairly sinister story with great depth and plenty of color, but whose actual story felt uneven and unengaging. Litvania, while fictional, is a lovely amalgam of Latvian and Lithuanian culture (neither of which is commonly found in American literature). The story is littered with the dark and macabre fairy tales of Litvania, which riff nicely on the original Grimms (i.e., non-Disneyfied) Tales. The rats and the entire concept behind the "eater of sins" is fascinating. This is a story whose concepts will stick with me for some time.
It is thus a shame that the story is so lame. For the first two hundred pages, it is terribly slow and it took me some fortitude (and most of a week) to plow ahead, but then everything speeds up at the end in seeming recklessness. Either way, I found the reading more of a chore than a pleasure, no matter how much I enjoy the Baltic and folkloric references.
Sunday, December 03, 2023
The Melancholy of Summer, by Louisa Onome
To everyone's surprise, it turns out Summer has family to help her. Her cousin Olu, whom Summer barely knows, has made it big in Japan as a singer and is willing to take Summer in. However, Olu is only twenty and has big issues of her own. While Olu is wealthy enough to take care of Summer, she is in no position emotionally to handle the responsibility and Summer is simply counting down the days until she turns eighteen.
For Summer, it's all a bit too much. In denial about being abandoned, she can't navigate the waves of big feels she has. The wear and tear of spending the past year scraping by has also taken its toll. And now, with her friends graduating and going away to college, Summer is aware that everyone is moving on and abandoning her.
I enjoyed the unusual ethnicity of the characters (Summer's Nigerian and Olu is Nigerian-Japanese). Summer's love for skateboarding is a bit quirky and her resourcefulness in using it and the city busses to get around is pretty unusual. However, the novel annoyed me with the way it dragged out the story through Summer's stubbornness, the inability of characters to finish important conversations, and the eventual swift resolution of all of the problems in the last twenty pages. I didn't see the growth and it felt artificial.
Saturday, December 02, 2023
Wishing Season, by Anica Mrose Rossi
But as the summer comes to a close and Lily is about to return to school without Anders by her side, she has to move on. Learning how to make new friends, accept that the overlap is temporary, and most importantly find a way to keep her dead brother in her heart while making room for the future becomes her summer journey in this sleepy lyrical book about grief.
It was all very beautiful, but this treatment of death and grief didn't really break any new ground and there have been stronger books on the subject.