Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Book of One Hundred Truths, by Julie Schumacher

When Thea goes on vacation to her grandparents' house on the Jersey shore, she is not expecting to find the house full to the brim with family members. Nor is she expecting the gift her mother gives her: a journal in which she is supposed to record 100 true things. But most of all, she is not expecting how difficult it will be to control her compulsive lying and an annoying younger cousin whose persistence may translate to revelation.

A bit gimmicky and the conclusion is not as terribly shocking as it is built up to be. Thea is engaging enough and the targetted demographic (middle readers) will like her, but mostly this story is simply satisfactory. Not bad, but not terribly memorable or outstanding.

Good Enough, by Paula Yoo

Patti is a stereotypical overachieving Asian high schooler with overanxious parents who are convinced that without constant effort there is no way that she's ever going to get into HARVARDYALEPRINCETON. But despite her success, Patti feels that something is lacking and that she is simply not good enough.

While starting with a stereotype, Yoo quickly departs from stock notions, adding a level of detail and depth that make Patti a really likeable character. There is some underdeveloped themes about racism, the story itself is predictable, and it all wraps up a bit too neatly for belief, but even these shortcomings have their own satisfactions. More than your usual guilty pleasure, the story has enough substance and life observations to make it shine. Recommended.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

How To Be Bad, by E. Lockhart, Sarah Mlynowski, and Lauren Myracle

Told in alternating voices (presumably by alternating authors), this novel tells the classic road trip story of three girls - rich girl Mel, Christian Jesse (whose Mom has cancer), and Vicks (for whom the road trip to see her boyfriend is officially instigated). Naturally enough, they have little in common when they start and a lot of common ground to bond over by the time they are done, as they trip through Florida and battle alligators, hurricanes, pirates, and few near-miss boyfriends.

Three powerhouse writers and enough publicity surrounding the book to make it hard to ignore, but the overall result is a big disappointment. All three of these writers have done better work on their own. As with Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist (which I also failed to appreciate as much as the other critics), strong writers don't make good collaborators. There can be some fun in watching the authors fight each other to control the story, but there is a jarring sense as we cross over each chapter that there is no consensus about what the story should really be about? Friendship? Family? Finding inner strength? Alligators? Is the story serious or silly? It's all a bit much. A clever writing workshop project perhaps, but not material for a published novel (unless of course you already have an excellent track record that you can afford to blow). Ignore the hype and skip this book.

Keeping Corner, by Kashmira Sheth

In 1917, 12 year-old Leela's husband is killed by a snake. And while she has never lived with her husband, she is condemned by custom to spend the rest of her life as a shunned widow, starting with a full year of seclusion. Set amidst real political events shaking India at the time, this semi-biographical tribute to the author's great-aunt creates an interesting setting for ordinary adolescent yearnings in extraordinary circumstances.

While the story can get a bit sluggish and repetitive, the setting makes for interesting reading. This is no milestone piece or even a particularly original story, but for a reader unfamiliar with Indian rural culture (i.e., most of us!) this is a decent read. The political angle works less well as it never fully integrates with Leela's search, despite the author's intent.

Love Me Tender, by Audrey Couloumbis

When Elvira's Dad leaves the family to take part in an Elvis impersonation contest in Las Vegas, Mom decides to pack up the family to visit Grandmother. The Grandmother is getting on a bit in years and has a tendency to set the house on fire, but otherwise people mostly just sit around and chat.

A strikingly dull book (which I should have expected since her much more critically-acclaimed novel Bringing Up Baby was similar). Couloumbis does not really have much interest in plot. Instead, her characters mostly sit around and chat. This might make for realism and decent character development, but not for an entertaining read.

The London Eye Mystery, by Siobhan Dowd

When Salim, Kat and Ted's cousin, passes through London on his way to relocate to New York, he begs for a chance to take a ride on the Eye. His cousins take him and the adventure begins when Salim disappears! The adults are unable to figure out what happened, but Ted is on the case. This is all the more surprising as Ted has trouble communicating (he has symptoms that resemble Asperger's Syndrome). But Ted has a sharp mind for details and gradually he unravels what happened to Salim.

I'm reading this in flight to London, so it is strangely appropriate. However, I wouldn't consider the story to be anything spectacular. Dowd does a nice job of creating Ted's unique voice, but the mystery itself is not developed well and the story's pacing is too slow.

[Additional note: while at the Eye's gift shop later in the week, I noticed that they are carrying this book for sale. Cute tie-in!]

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Primavera, by Mary Jane Beaufrand

Flora will never have the marital bliss of her sister Domenica or even her mother's affection, but unlike her sister or mother, she enjoys the freedom to come and go around her family's estate Pazzi Palazzo. It is the late 15th century and the setting is Florence. Two of the world's most powerful families (the Pazzi and the Medici) are locked in a bloody conflict that is tearing the city - and Flora's future -- apart. In the chaos that ensues, Flora has to find the strength to survive and help the few people that she can.

Historical novels are drab affairs and ones that are based on true events even more so, but this one actually works as both a bit of stirring action-adventure and as coming-of-age story. There are no deep sentiments here and the too-good-to-be-true ending grates at me a bit, but the novel is still excellent summer reading. So, if you need some period escapist lit, this one is for you!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lessons from a Dead Girl, by Jo Knowles

When Leah Green dies, Laine begins the process of coming to terms with the legacy of her friendship with Leah. Because this was a "friendship" only to outside eyes. Even in public, Leah teased and humiliated Laine. But it was what Leah did to Laine in the "doll closet" that was the most sinister. In shocking detail, Knowles dissects the nature of an abusive relationship between two alleged BFFs.

This qualifies as a good read, but an extremely upsetting story. The "ick" factor is quite high. For this reason, it won't make my list of books I'm going to re-read any time soon. However, the story is an important one and Knowles's writing is sharp and intelligent. If you have the stomach for it, this is well worth cracking open.

You Know Where To Find Me, by Rachel Cohn

Laura and Miles were cousins, and as close as they could be. And while they appeared to share nothing in common (Laura was petite and popular; Miles overweight and a loner), they were very close. As they grew up and transitioned from fantasy play in the tree house to abusing prescription pain killers, they maintained their tight bond. Laura was always the one who had it together, so when it is Laura who kills herself, no one can believe it. And Miles who has the most trouble struggling to survive without her lifeline.

A bit of a departure for Cohn, this downer novel suffers from a dead plot (pun intended). The theme is grief, but you have probably never seen the phases of sorrow depicted as dull as this. Virtually nothing happens in this story and saddling the plot with an unsympathetic heroine does not really help things along. Give this a pass!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Undercover, by Beth Kephart

Elisa is not the type of girl you notice. She stays out of sight and keeps a low profile. But her way with words makes her useful to lovelorn boys who take the love poems she ghostwrites for them to win the hearts of their girlfriends. But one of her clients (Theo) is special and different, and the poems she writes for him to give to his Lila mean more to her than they could ever mean to Lila or Theo. More inspired by Cyrano de Bergerac than copied, this lyrical love story celebrates the strength to rise out of the shadows and seize the day.

Beautifully written, albeit prone to more than a few digressions, this is a strong YA debut from an author who carved out her credentials in the adult market. There are times when this novel drifts away from the YA world, but Kephart shows much more talent than your usual crossover author. Recommended.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Canning Season, by Polly Horvath

When Ratchet's mom sends her to Maine for the summer to live with her two maiden "aunts" Tilly and Penpen, no one knows quite what to expect. Certainly not bears and blueberries and phones that you can't ring out on! But as one could expect in a story like this, there are lots of adventures to be had. There are also plenty of surprises in trademark Horvath style with strong quirky characters.

I'm a big fan of Horvath's Everything on a Waffle, which I felt was a clever book that combined life advice with decent recipes. As I noted above, this is a similarly quirky and fun novel. It's not quite as memorable, but it's still a good read.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

101 Ways To Dance, by Kathy Stinson

In this slim collection of short stories, we get a variety of topics but all of them deal with teen sexuality in one way or another. Many of the ideas are quite original: sexual desire between kids with Downs Syndrome or kids who are dying of cancer. Some of the stories deal with forbidden topics (like incest). All of the stories address the conflict between physiological desire and parental/adult disapproval. So, as a unifying concept, sex works.

The stories themselves are rough. Some of them are certainly better than others, but none of them really moved me in a significant way. Beyond the yearning and the poignancy of young lust and love, the characters come across as surprisingly flat. Much credit can be given to Stinson for creating so many unique and original stories about sex (while avoiding all the usual stuff), but the stories needed more development and polish. Promising concept but a disappointment.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

A Little Friendly Advice, by Siobhan Vivian

At Ruby's 16th birthday, her long-absent Dad suddenly shows up. Ruby is not so pleased to see him again and runs out of her own party screaming. Her friends come after her and offer their support and advice on how to deal with the situation, just as they have always done in the past. However, this time, Ruby begins to realize that the help of friends is not always given without strings attached or some degree of self-interest. And that may pose dangers.

There is some excellent writing going on here, in terms of voice and characterization. Vivian has a good ear for dialog and the action feels very realistic. But the story is a mess. It was a good 80 pages or more before I could truly figure out what the story was even about (I don't read blurbs before I start reading the book). And it floats rather aimlessly about. Yes, there is an ending and a fairly normal narrative, but there is also so much noise and distraction going on that you don't get a story so much as a slice of life. Good writing is not just about capturing people, it's about telling a story -- Vivian needs to do that.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Girl, Going on 17, Pants on Fire, by Sue Limb

In this third book in the series, Jess now has to juggle her boyfriend troubles, an evil substitute teacher, perpetual tardiness, and taking her granny to the doctor's office without underpants. There's a barely-English-literate Japanese boyfriend for Jess's mother and a variety show for good measure. Much hilarity ensues.

The first book in the series was funny, albeit a bit silly at times, but it is harder to accept the proposition that Jess is still so immature yet now actually 17 years old. She always seemed a bit babyish, but now she seems to act like a tween (at best!). I've noted before that British YA seems to be a bit less mature than American. This is a classic example. Sadly, Limb's little franchise is losing steam.

The Adoration of Jenna Fox, by Mary E. Pearson

In the near future, antibiotics have lost their effectiveness, traditional agriculture has been taken over by genetic modification, and medicine has advanced to Frankenstein levels. Yet teenagers are still teenagers and Jenna, having woken a two-year coma after an accident, is searching for the meaning of her life. Her searches bring her far more than she could have expected and soon Jenna must confront questions about parental love gone amok, the meaning of the soul, and what quality of life truly means.

While bearing a superficial resemblance to Haddix's novel, Double Identity, this is a very different novel, and one which is far removed from Pearson's over-lauded A Room on Lorelei Street. The writing can get a bit turgid at times, but there are some fascinating themes raised here (warning: mandatory book review assignment material!). I'd recommend this book simply to give you a chance to read one of the more fascinatingly original YA novels written this year.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Camp Rules, by Jordan Roter

When Penny's parents decide to surprise her on her 16th birthday by sending her to camp for the summer, they don't realize that you can't just start going to camp at 16. It's something that you have to start doing at 8 and grow into. Worse, because of Fern Lake Camp's rules, Penny's been promoted to the elite Bunk One (where the oldest and most-privileged campers are). This doesn't sit well with some of her bunk mates and things get off to a rocky start. Gradually, Penny wins them over and discovers the fun she's been missing.

A lightweight and brisk read. The dialogue sounds authentic (or at least obnoxious enough to my crotchety ears to be authentic!) and the characters have good distinct personalities. But the plot is essentially non-existent. If you like to sit around and listen to a lot of goffy gossip, this could be fun, but I would think that going to camp this summer for real would be a lot more fun than living vicariously through these hijinx.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Shakeress, by Kimberley Heuston

In the late 1820s, tragedy strikes Naomi's family as her parents and younger brother are killed in a fire. Like a period melodrama, they are sent to live in the uncaring arms of Aunt Thankful, but Naomi comes to realize that their salvation lies with joining the Shakers. And while that provides comfort, it only temporarily delays Naomi's own realization that her place lies elsewhere. Through years of searching, Naomi attempts to find that place for herself.

An unusual historical novel and an even more unusual YA story, Heuston walks a fine line between historical accuracy and anachronistic feminine empowerment, but the result is a beautiful piece that is true to both history and character. Nice period details and a heroine who is both strong and believable. As one reviewer noted, the writing also beautifully depicts the spiritual dimension of Naomi's search. That's icing on the cake in the remarkable work.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Talented Clementine, by Sara Pennypacker

In this sequel, Clementine is still getting in trouble and having trouble paying attention. Third grade is doing a Talent-palooza and everyone has something to perform except Clementine. But just as the big show cames, Clementine and her teachers discover her hidden talent (and it isn't getting in trouble).

For younger readers, this continues to be a really strong series (in the tradition of Ramona or Judy Moody). It's funny for both younger and older readers, with a gentle and kind world view. For whenever you need a break from the dreariness of YA or adult novels and just want a laugh, Clementine does it for me!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sweethearts, by Sara Zarr

In this beautiful and poignant story, Jenna has to confront her past when her childhood sweetheart Cameron returns from the dead and shows up at her school in her senior year. Her friends and boyfriend assume that Cameron and Jenna have a romantic thing going on, but it is much more complicated than that. While never able to adequately explain their emotions, Jenna and Cameron both learn a great deal about themselves and their relationships with others through the experience.

A surprisingly spare yet emotionally intense novel. The beginning and end are notably outstanding. Zarr's previous Story of a Girl was a great (albeit mildly flawed) book, but she is building up her talents. In this case, I found the middle section a bit dull and lacking direction, but the bookends make up for it quite adequately. Anyone who isn't crying through the last chapter has a heart of stone. Highly recommended.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Girlfriend Project, by Robin Friedman

Reed Walton is a senior and has always been a bit of an outcast, the kind of guy who Marsha Peterson laughed at in freshman year when he asked her out on a date. But Reed has grown two inches over the summer, gotten contacts, and lost his braces. Now he's ready to find his first girlfriend. And with some help from his best friends Ronnie and Lonnie he's having more success than he ever thought possible. Reed has gotten used to his loser-dork status, so the discovery that his new self turns heads is quite a surprise. Moreover, he finds that getting a date is not only no longer a problem, but that he has to pry them away. Now, if he could only get the girl of his dreams!

The strength of this story is the way it brings up so many familiar discussions about dating (the types of questions we have all discussed at one time or another), exploring the unbalanced rituals of the process and exploring what it really is all about. As an actual story, the plot drags a bit at the end but it does pull a last minute satisfying conclusion.

It's also a bit hard for me to relate to the story as I was never much of a casual dater as a teen (although ironically I did a bit much more recently as an adult). But I suspect that for those who have gone through the whole dating scene, there's plenty to recognize here.

Perfect You, by Elizabeth Scott

Kate's life is falling apart. Her father has quit his job to sell stupid vitamins at the mall. As a result, her family is falling into debt, her parents are fighting, everyone at school is making fun of her, and she has to work with her Dad while he does nothing to stop the decline. Worse still, he best friend is not really speaking to her anymore. To make life even more complicated, there's a guy she doesn't like (or maybe she does!) who may like her (but he probably doesn't!). Kate is convinced that no matter how hard she tries to make things work out, that they just won't. And it's not worth trying. This attitude in turn basically creates self-fulfilling prophecies, but she is blind to that effect.

While the characters feel very realistic in their flaws, this does not make them particularly likable protagonists. I would hope that readers will see how destructive and arrogant the depicted behaviors are. I would hope that readers would draw the conclusion that these are not lives to emulate. But I'm not convinced that they will. And having such an anti-hero at the center of the story makes this a hard read.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Peeled, by Joan Bauer

Hildy has a talent for investigative journalism (much like her deceased father). When strange events start to happen in her sleepy Upstate New York apple-growing town, she knows something is rotten to the core. The arrival of ghosts, psychics, and real-estate developers adds no comfort. But what can you do about it when you are just working on a school newspaper?

Most of Bauer's stories are the same (hard-working teen outsmarts corrupt elders and usually gets a boyfriend in the process). All that changes from novel to novel is the overallarea of interest (waiting on tables, growing squashes, selling shoes, etc.). This recent novel is particularly reminescent of Hope Was Here. Why mess with success? And, admittedly, Peeled is a satisfying story. So, file this in the Guilty Pleasures category. If you like her other stories, you'll like this one. But if you've never read anything by her before, start with Hope Was Here or Squashed instead.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Girl I Wanted To Be, by Sarah Grace McCandless

Presley (named after Elvis) has always idolized her Aunt Betsi, even though Betsi is only a few years older and has more than a few noticeable flaws (alcoholism most noticeably). But in this period coming-of-age novel, Presley comes to realize that the adults around her have much bigger issues than she does. As she witnesses the collapse of her perfect world, she gains appreciation for her own strength.

No one can deny that this is an unusual YA novel, focusing far more on the adults than the kids, and playing around with the narrative to shift the usual dramatic arc (conclusions coming first, timelines rejigged, etc.). The book gets high marks for originality and even for writing. However, I found it to still be a hard book to engage me. The characters did not appeal and I felt like they were keeping me at arm's length. I just didn't care. I realize that that is a particularly personal reaction and others may find this to be absolutely fantastic.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Just for You to Know, by Cheryl Harness

When Carmen's family moves to their new town, she can't imagine anything worse than the embarrassment that her large family causes her. As the eldest and the only girl, her brothers are an endless source of pain and suffering. But then the arrival of a baby sister and a tragic loss raises the stakes and Carmen comes to realize that life can be a lot worse and there are bigger issues to worry about.

Set in 1963, the novel is speckled with gratuitous historical references (not to the culture or mores of the time, but just headlines) that seem designed to make the book educational (in the dull sense). The story itself is fine, but not outstanding, and this is mostly an average read. Since I'm not a big fan of historical fiction (and this one doesn't really need its historical setting for anything), I did not enjoy this one very much.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Safe, by Susan Snow

Tracy can divide her life into two halves: the first half when everything was normal and the second where nothing feels safe anymore (as a result of a sexual assault). The event leaves her afraid and vulnerable, scare that her assailant could be around any corner. Agoraphobia drives her indoors and causes her to shut herself off from her friends. But she finds comfort in music and slowly pulls herself together.

While a compelling idea (to write about the healing process), this is a difficult story to tell. Healing is a subtle process and Shaw is wise to avoid any quick fixes. But in shooting for realism, she ends up with a slow and sluggish story. I admire the effort but I never felt engaged by the story. A valiant, but ultimately failing, effort.

Remembering Raquel, by Vivian Vande Velde

After Raquel is struck by a car and dies, various people (friends, schoolmates, teachers, family, etc.) gather for her memorial and share their thoughts -- not aloud, but rather to themselves. And, in each short chapter, those inner thoughts are given voice, creating an image of the world that Raquel lived in.

The concept is a good one, but never quite pans out for me in this novel. Some of the chapters are poignant and meaningful (even revealing) but most are stereotypes (shallow popular girl, geeky nerd, etc.) and some are even trite. The resulting work seems disconnected and random (with both good and bad parts). An overall miss.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Lock and Key, by Sarah Dessen

Ruby almost made it to her 18th birthday without anyone finding out that she was living on her own since Mom left her. She would have made it if the dryer hadn't broken down and the landlords noticed that she was alone in the house and then called social services. But this set-back has striking good fortune attached to it as Ruby is reunited with her older sister (who left home ten years before) and her new family. And as Ruby adjusts to her new school, new friends, and new life, she explores the meaning of the word "family" and everything it encompasses.

As long-time readers of this BLOG know, I'm not a big fan of the parents-abandoning-children motif, but if someone could rescue this boiler-plate, it would be Sarah Dessen. It's been pointed out to me that Dessen is one of the best developers of characters (each of hers have depth and personality, no matter how small of a role they have), but I've always been more of a fan of her wistful language. There's less of that here than I would like, but the novel is certainly a good one. It won't rank up with Dreamland or Someone Like You (my favorites) but it is still an excellent addition to her pantheon. There are even a few Easter Eggs in this one (as she has done in most of her recent novels) to reward the loyal readers. And, in keeping with current trends as well, this novel's theme (family) is fairly consistently played throughout, albeit sometimes with a bit of a sledgehammer.

What kills me though is how poorly Dessen gets treated by YALSA and the professional librarian clique. I guess it is because she doesn't have a lot of multicultural characters in her stories or perhaps it is bias against the commercial success of her work, but it seems grossly unfair. Without a doubt, Dessen is one of the best YA writers currently working. Her books are not fluffy Gossip Girls trash nor even as lightweight as Meg Cabot (now, don't get me wrong, I like Cabot too, but she's a guilty pleasure) and she deserves some recognition for them. But while I see her novels get nominated on the YALSA BBYA lists, it never goes further than that.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Freak, by Marcella Pixley

It's a world full of familiar stereotypes -- popular older sister, geeky younger sister, mature inaccessible guy/love interest, and bullying popular girls at school. But in this story, each of these stock protagonists has a little twist to them. The sisters are both mean to each other, the bully has a weakness, and the love interest is flawed. This adds both realism and uncertainty to a story that becomes something more as a freak steps out of her shell to become much greater than her parts in a surprising way.

Folks who need a likable heroine in order to enjoy a book will find this story a bit disappointing. No one is perfect here (or for that matter even sympathetic). Instead, there is warmth and deep insight that makes this short novel a taut and surprisingly refreshing good read. Good stuff!

The Opposite of Invisible, by Liz Gallagher

Alice and Jewel have been friends forever and even though they are girl and boy, their friendship has been just that. But at a concert, the object of Alice's crush takes a noticeable interest in her and Jewel's jealousy rises up in response. Now Alice has to choose between her best friend and the boy of her dreams.

Filled with more than the usual amount of name-dropping of famous places in Seattle, this realistic take on the classic love triangle covers all of the usual bases. It's not a new plot or even a particularly inventive take on it, but it's a satisfying romance. If you know Seattle, it's also fun to picture all of the nearly-famous places where the action takes place.

Grief Girl, by Erin Vincent

In rapid succession, Erin's mother and father die from a car accident that leaves her, and her older sister and younger brother alone to fend for themselves. Quickly, Erin learns of the good and bad in the adults around her as some are helpful, while others exploit them. And it's not even a story of happy sibling bonding as the stress of taking care of themselves causes the kids to occasionally turn on each other.

I honestly had not intended to read two books in a row about parental death, but that is how it turned out. While this novel also veers around a bit (and it is even more jarring because the story jumps through the years), the book has a more compelling narrative and is the better of the two books. This is in no small part due to being a true autobiography. But even so, this could have been fairly turgid stuff. Vincent shows promise as a writer and should consider venturing into something more fictional.

Girlhearts, by Norma Fox Mazer

After Sarabeth's father died, her Mom promised her that nothing could ever happen to the family again, but Sarabeth knows that that is just a story you tell a small child. So, why does Sarabeth feel so much anger when her mother dies too, leaving her all alone, shuttled between Mom's old friends (not really wanted anywhere she goes). Now an orphan, Sarabeth doesn't know where she fits in.

Yes, it is one of those "books where the mother dies" (as Sonya Sones puts it) and while this is a promising premise for a dramatic sobfest, we get a fairly dull story instead. The narrative meanders between adults with issues and teen friends who sit on the periphery. When help comes, it's in the last quarter and pretty much an afterthought to provide a happy ending that ties everything up a bit too well.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Th1rteen R3asons Why, by Jay Asher

A few weeks after Hannah killed herself, Clay Jensen finds an unmarked package waiting for him containing seven cassette tapes. As he listens to them, he discovers that they were created by Hannah to explain thirteen reasons why she committed suicide. And now she is having these tapes sent -- post-mortem -- to each responsible party. Clay who hardly knew her is horrified to find himself so accused, but equally obsessed with learning the truth. A long night ensues.

While an interesting premise, I found the logic of this story annoying. I'll grant that it is a believable premise as teens (myself included) are melodramatic enoughto buy the whole blame game. However, as an adult, this is all about unhealthy attitudes. So, rather than being entertaining or edifying, I found the whole story selfish, depressing, and just plain icky. Give it a pass!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, by E. Lockhart

In the latest from one of my absolute favorite YA writers E. Lockhart, sophomore Frankie is trying to make a name for herself and break out of her shell as the delicate "Bunny Rabbit" that everyone must take care of. And while she likes the attention that being "helpless" can get her from her controlling boyfriend, she really wants to do more. So, when she cracks into the secret world of the Bassett Hounds at her private school, she gets both an opportunity to shine and to realize the costs of being famous. Along the way, there is love, philosophy, and "neglected positives."

Though not nearly as fresh as Boy Book or as funny as Fly On the Wall, the story grows on you and picks up dramatically in the home stretch. The characters are great (Frankie especially) and the ideas/concepts even better. I have a soft spot I'll admit for a novel that covers Foucault (a grad school fave) and Vassar Golf Course parties (an undergrad fave -- although I was never as cold as E apparently was!). This is not her best work, but it is a fine read and (as usual) recommended.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Touching Snow, by M Sindy Felin

Karina has trouble getting good grades at school. She does well on tests, but she never gets her homework done. But then if your stepfather was beating you and your siblings brutally as Karina's is, you'd have trouble working at home too! In the unfolding story, Karina and her family of Haitian immigrants have to find a way out of their mess (and find a way that avoids making things worse - a problem since so much depends upon keeping things entirely in the family).

As with almost all stories of abusive families, I find it hard to understand how the characters can so boldly avoid help from outsiders. I do get that it happens but the blatant nature of Karina's refusals to get help feel designed more to promote the tragic ending than to create a realistic story. It is hard to see the point of a story like this (a complaint I have made in other reviews I have written about abusive situations). Yes, the life she is living is horrible, but without showing how she pulls herself out of it, what we are left with is a voyeuristic novel about child abuse. That said, it's well-written and interesting, but I do recommend having a strong stomach because of the narrative's intensity.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Julep O'Toole: Miss Independent, by Trudi Trueit

When last we saw Julep, she was struggling with being the middle child. Now, she's having Mom troubles. Mom simply won't give her any peace! Whether it's being allowed to wear the shirt her aunt bought her, getting a cell phone, or quitting piano, Mom refuses to accept that Julep is growing up and should be allowed to have some independence. After all, it's not like she's a baby anymore! She's in sixth grade!

I sell Julep a bit short with that description, because she remains a funny and mildly precocious character whose struggles to define herself and her role in her family continues to make her an endearing person. Just as the previous book had something that anyone with siblings could relate to, this book will strike instant recognition with anyone who has ever fought with their parents. Delightful and fun!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Mother-Daughter Book Club, by Heather Vogel Frederick

When a group of mothers who happen to take a yoga class together decide to form a mother-daughter book club, their daughters become unwilling participants. All the more so, because they come from different sides of the tracks. But as they explore Louisa May Alcott's classic Little Women together, they discover more about each other and themselves. It all wraps up with a too-good-to-be-true happy ending.

Charming but forgettable. Large sections of the book are entertaining but there isn't much substance here and the plot is fairly predictable. The ending, as I've already noted, ties things up way too nicely and you get a bit of a sense of being cheated by the lack of true payoff. There's a place for books like this (light easy read for the 9-12 age crowd), but it's the literary equivalent of Burger King.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Isabel and the Miracle Baby, by Emily Smith Pearce

Isabel can't stand the baby. Rebekah is supposed to be some sort of "miracle baby" but Isa just knows that thanks to it she has to share her room with a smelly gross infant, her Mom never has time for her, she has no friends (except for Tara who her Mom won't let her be friends with anymore), and she can't do anything anymore. And thanks to her Mom's cancer, Isa has to worry about fires, the sick ladies who come over every week, and now she's saddled with Ben who's just an absolute baby!

Billed as an uplifting story, this fairly short novel (130 pages or so) doesn't really get to redemption until the last few pages. Prior to that, we have to bear through an awful lot of whining and fussing. I will grant that the whole thing has an element of realism to it, but somehow it is hard to be sympathetic to a character who is selfish and mean (even if she has good reasons!). So, it makes for a hard sell of a story. And yet, I'm not sure it could have been written another way. Make your own decision about whether you can put up with it. The other issue is trying to figure out what the audience of this book is supposed to be. Adult readers will probably be more forgiving than younger readers so I envision a child giving up on this story. Older readers will simply feel that Isa is a selfish brat, while younger readers will not understand why she is so bossy and mean.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Picture Perfect, by D. Anne Love

Phoebe Trask has a number of problems to deal with: a mother who leaves to pursue a career, a pushy woman who moves in next door and is making the moves on Dad, protesters disrupting the July 4th parade, an assault on her Dad, a boyfriend with family troubles of his own, and so on it goes. Every day brings a new challenge and by the time one issue has been resolved, two more have appeared.

And that lack of a central plot is basically what sends this novel plummeting to the bottom of my ratings. In place of a story, we have an endless set of subplots, which might make the story realistic (life is not a novel) but does not make for an interesting read. The book, in sum, has no purpose (no lesson learned, no major obstacle overcome, no major change witnessed). And it also does not help that every issue is resolved easily. We build up a conflict but rather than allow it to climax, Love simply resolves it in a sentence or two and we're off to the next subplot. By the time we got to the death and dying subplot (yes, I realize that that is probably a spoiler), I was rolling my eyes and ready to just give up. So, let me save you the trouble and tell you to just give this book a pass.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Almost Home, by Jessica Blank

Elly has been molested for the past year by her stepbrother. After an unrelated sexual assault at school, she latches on to a mysterious girl who hangs out outside her school. This girl introduces Elly to the street, giving her a new name (Eeyore) and bringing her in touch with other kids getting by on the streets of LA. A harrowing, but realistic narrative unfolds, told from a shifting perspective as each teen tells their story of survival.

Shocking and immensely depressing, I would have to be a bit sadistic to rate this high (I can't see myself picking it up for a casual re-read), but that does not mean it is bad. Rather, this is a very powerful work with engaging characters (who you would still probably not want to be in the same room with). A fascinating view of this other world.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Frannie in Pieces, by Delia Ephron

After Frannie's father dies, she discovers a puzzle in her Dad's workshop with her name on it. This is no ordinary puzzle and, as Frannie starts to put it together, strange things start to happen. She finds herself being drawn into the world of the puzzle (quite literally). Frannie becomes convinced that the puzzle will lead her back to her Dad.

As a fantasy story, this book works pretty well, but Ephron's decision to add a BFF and a boy interest seems a bit forced. They don't really add much to the story and it seemed overall as if Ephron was trying to do too much. Still, the characters are interesting and the book is a good read.

Spanking Shakespeare, by Jake Wizner

Shakespeare Shapiro is straddled with a horrible name, a best friend who is obsessed with his own bowel movements, a younger brother (Gandhi) who is massively more popular, and a complete inability to get laid. But he does have an amazing way with words and that charming skill might land him the senior memoir prize (or even more). Alternating between recounting his senior year failures and providing flashbacks on his life and dysfunctional family through excerpts from his memoir, Shakespeare reveals a true talent for ribald wit, which the Bard would have truly appreciated. In the end, he does what any horny 18 year old boy should do ... enroll at Vassar College.

OK, I was being a bit cheeky on that last comment (although it does happen and I truly appreciate the plug for my Alma Mater - and I am sure that Shakespeare would enjoy a career as a Vasshole). This book is laugh out loud funny (which is not recommended on a plane, like where I was reading it). Shakespeare is clever and endearing in an obnoxious 18 year-old male way. As someone who gets occasionally chided for being unable to know what a real teen girl goes through (for the obvious reason that I was there), I feel a greater confidence in saying that Jake has nailed the boy-side of the equation rather nicely (and doesn't do that bad of a job with the girls either IMHO). Any book with chapter titles like "The Time I Watched a Pornographic Movie with My Mentally Unstable Grandmother" and "The Time I Saw My Father Get Drunk and Act like a Complete Idiot" wins at least special mention. This is a special book. Recommended.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Field Guide to High School, by Marissa Walsh

Andie lives in the shadow of her overachiever sister Claire, but Claire is leaving for college and Andie and her friend Bess are about to start high school. All very scary, except that Claire is determined that Andie should be all prepared and left her younger sister a guidebook to navigating the wilds of Plumstead Country Day School. In this guide, Claire outlines the do's and dont's of school assuring Andie will know how to avoid the pitfalls.

While billed as a funny book, it actually came across a bit dry. Much of the "advice" seemed either cliche or like an inside joke (like you would get it if you knew the school she was referring to). But it was all fairly harmless and entertaining to read. What was far more annoying was the story around the guide itself (the conversation between Andie and Bess) -- easily identifiable by the bold type. My advice would be to skip all of those sections and just enjoy the guide itself.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Shark Girl, by Kelly Bingham

When Jane loses her arm in a freak shark attack, she must learn to cope with her loss and new life. Convinced that she'll never be able to draw again, she seeks new meaning in her life, while coping with the unwanted attention her loss brings her. As much as she hates the sentiment that she'll rise above it all, she eventually does.

A mixture of free verse, dialogs, correspondence, and miscellaneous media, Bingham has attempted to capture the process of healing. It's a valiant effort and not a badly written first novel, but I found it a bit repetitive. As interesting as the premise was, there just was not much that could be done with the story. There is a satisfying dramatic arc, but Bingham is trying so hard to avoid a feel-good ending (while still reaching some sort of satisfying conclusion) that the story stagnates.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Violet On the Runway, by Melissa Walker

Violet finds her height to be a major liability that keeps her from being popular. And while she mocks the popular and beautiful kids at school with her friends, she secretly longs to be one. When a New York talent agent spots her as a new fashion superstar, Violet gets an opportunity she could never have dreamed of. Suddenly, her earlier ambitions pale beside the life she is living. But in true VH1 fashion, Violet discovers that high fashion is not all fun and glamor, and that fame has its costs.

You can predict the formula from the start and know how this story will end up. In itself, being a predictable formulaic story is not a bad thing in a comfort read like this. However, what bothered me more was how thinly Violet's character was developed. I didn't believe that her motivations were real, finding the plot a bit forced as she dumped her friends and then forced again as she tried to reclaim them. It's fun to see the inside of the fashion world (and I'm sure that a lot of readers will find that to be sufficiently entertaining) but this could have been a better book with some more work on Violet herself.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Wednesday Wars, by Gary D. Schmidt

In this (probably) autobiographical series of stories about growing up in Long Island in 1967, Holling recounts the teacher who hated his guts so much that she taught him to love Shakespeare, running, and camping out. While Vietnam wages on and MLK and Bobby are gunned down, Holling is learning that the Bard has a lot of wisdom to impart and that sometimes a mean lunch lady, a shy Vietnamese refugee, two angry rats, and the daughter of his father's competitor can be useful allies in helping you find yourself.

Imagine a really decent episode of The Wonder Years, then imagine nine of them. Except that these are really good episodes (were there any??). Heck, just imagine something like that but multiply it several times over. I'm no fan of historical fiction and any novel that goes off on baseball is guaranteed to put me to sleep, yet I loved this one. Sweet, insightful, and touching, but not overly saccharine. It was a good pick for a Newbery Honor this year.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mistik Lake, by Martha Brooks

Mistik Lake, in the middle of rural Manitoba, serves as the setting for three generations of people with secrets. These secrets bind the people together but also cut people off from truly understanding the reasons why a series of tragedies have occurred. But as the youngest generation (represented by Odella and Jimmy) fall in love, their elders realize that it is time to come clean on everything.

I enjoyed Brooks's earlier novel True Confessions of a Heartless Girl, which was a more traditional YA novel (with the minor twist that the main character was a bit of a screw-up), but this is a much more ambitious story. The complicated narrative can make the action a bit hard to follow, but everything comes together in the end in a satisfying way. More of an adult novel about teens than a real YA piece, but no less enjoyable.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period, by Gennifer Choldenko

In alternating chapters, the story of Kirsten and Walk unfolds. Kirsten is struggling with her parents' fighting (and possible divorce) and the loss of her BFF to popular girl Brianna. She copes by eating, which exacerbates her problems. Walk is the only African-American kid in the school and trying desperately to fit in. But just as you get a handle on the story and think it is following tried-and-true YA formula, it veers in a totally unexpected direction. And while this initially seems a bit contrived, it raises issues of much deeper importance than normally handled in a novel like this.

A strikingly mature novel, written in a realistic style, that in the end is a winner. The plot twists do seem a bit forced, but it all works out in the end, even if the characters (realistically) do not manage to work out all of their issues. It's rare to find a book about racial (and other) prejudices that doesn't feel the need to preach. That is one of those books. An excellent read with an excellent message: life is all a bit more complicated that we (especially the adults!) want to make it.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Before I Die, by Jenny Downham

Tessa is dying of leukemia. This isn't news to her. She's been fighting the battle for over four years, but now her options are running out. And for the last few months of her life, Tessa has made a list of the things she wants to do before she goes (have sex, do drugs, commit a crime, become famous, etc.). But completing the items on her list proves to not really be the point after all, because dying turns out to be almost as difficult as living.

An unusual YA novel that addresses mortality (and it will spoil nothing to say that she does die at the end, because the point of the book is to explain dying, not living). It won't cheer you up and I recommend a good comedy or two afterwards (I'll have to see what I can find!), but it's a decent book. The dust jacket calls it "uplifting" and "joyous" but I would not go that far. There is hardly anything in this to be happy about, but again that's not the point.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Crooked Kind of Perfect, by Linda Urban

Zoe dreams of being Horowitz, awing the masses as a piano prodigy, but first she has to learn to play. And then there's her agoraphobic Dad and workaholic Mom to contend with. Never mind a bully who seems to have taken a friendly interest in her and her ex-BBF who no longer wants her around (who knew that socks were no longer cool?). Life IS complicated and there is no way she'll ever get to Carnegie Hall unless she can figure out how to make the Perfectone D-60 organ become the grand piano of her dreams.

Hooray for an absolute winner of a book! From endearing characters to can't-stop-laughing moments, this is a fantastic first novel. I laughed and I cried, but most of all I cheered for a great set of misfits and some heartwarming moments. Neither cloying nor manipulative, this charming story is a must read! Bravo!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Carpe Diem, by Autumn Cornwell

Vassar is a master of planning (from a family of planners) and she's got it all figured out: HS Valedictorian, attend Vassar College (hence, the name!), get PhD, win Pulitzer, and so on. But when her Grandma Gerd (the family flake) invites her to come to Southeast Asia for the summer for less than two weeks' notice, Vassar gets the surprise of her life when her parents insist that she go! Never mind what plans it will ruin. Something is definitely up, but to find out what it is, Vassar will have to go and learn a lot more about Grandma, Asia, and herself than she could have ever possibly imagined.

Long-ish, but entertaining, with a nice mixture of self-discovery, romance, adventure, and some minor suspense. You know how it is all going to end (especially with the amazingly exaggerated beginning), but you have to credit the book for being a decent read. It doesn't drag and you do get caught up in it. Now, why anyone thinks that going to Vassar is their life-long ambition is beyond me (been there, have the AB cum laude to show for it!), but I guess it is better than calling her Barnard!